Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are you kidding me?

Husband, has, for the past few days, been asking me if I am pregnant. Sure, I haven't felt well. Sure, I am tired. DUH! The Baby doesn't SLEEP! But, seriously? This is from the man who says he doesn't want any more kids??? Um, yea.
So, being me, I snottily ask, Why? You want me to be?  WRONG. QUESTION. I am BLOWN away. Husband says yup, why not have 'em close and "get it over with". WTF?!
Let's think for a moment, shall we? Oldest is 12, Baby is 8 MONTHS FOR CRAPS SAKE! And he wants another!? Does he think I am crazy? I am still nursing. I am still getting up several times a night. I HAVE A JOB!!!!! My mind is spinning.
But, then, deep down. In some quiet space in my heart. Way back in the corner. It says, I would like to be pregnant again too. And that scares me beyond all measure.

My Life As I See It

So I am starting this blog, my "secret blog", to have an avenue to express myself more openly. You know, not pick and choose my words and stories so I won't be embarassed when my mom reads it. This is my life, I think, as I see it.